“Home Oxygen therapy should be considered a medical treatment, not a recreational activity.” – Dr. David C. Chan, pulmonologist.
How convenient would it be to have a constant, personal supply of oxygen at home?
This might seem unnecessary for those fortunate enough to not suffer from respiratory ailments. However, for those who do, it could be a lifesaver.
Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT) provides supplemental oxygen to patients with chronic respiratory conditions in their homes. This can significantly improve their quality of life and increase survival rates for many.
We at O2 For Everyone specialize in Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT) by providing personalized solutions and expert support.
Keep reading to learn the best and safest way to administer Home O2 Therapy. Once you’re done, you can reach out to us for support: +91 8100 334353 (Available on WhatsApp).
How Does Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT) Work?
Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT) works by increasing the amount of oxygen available to the body. SpO2 or Saturation Percentage of Oxygen is a measure of how much oxygen your blood is carrying as a percentage of the maximum it could carry. HOT makes sure your SpO2 is above 92% at all times.
Oxygen Delivery:
- Oxygen Concentrators: These are machines that extract oxygen from the surrounding air, filter out the other gases, and deliver concentrated oxygen to a mask.
- Oxygen Cylinders: These portable devices contain compressed oxygen. They are available in various sizes and offer both portability and high-flow oxygen delivery options. Stationary systems are also available for home use.
Delivery Methods:
- Nasal Cannula: Two thin tubes are inserted into the nostrils which deliver a continuous flow of oxygen.
- Face Mask: Covers the nose and the mouth and delivers a higher flow of oxygen.
- Venturi Mask: This provides a precise concentration of oxygen.
- High-Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC): This provides high flow rates of humidified oxygen and air mixture through heated tubing and a specialized nasal cannula.
- Non-Rebreather Mask: This mask has one-way valves that prevent exhaled air from being rebreathed, allowing the patient to receive a high concentration of oxygen. This is called NRBM in India. We, at O2 For Everyone, have delivered several of these to patients, saving countless lives.
- Transnasal Humidifier: Adds moisture to the oxygen flow, preventing dryness in the nasal passages.
- Tracheostomy Mask: Used for patients with a tracheostomy, delivering oxygen directly to the opening in the trachea.
What Are The Benefits Of Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT)?
Improves Breathing: As HOT increases the amount of oxygen inflow, it becomes easier for patients to breathe. It can also alleviate shortness of breath or Dyspnea.
Increases Energy Levels: HOT can reduce fatigue and increase energy levels.
Improves Sleep Quality: Sufficient oxygen levels in the blood can improve sleep.
Enhances Cognitive Functions: HOT can help improve mental clarity, alertness, and overall cognitive function.
Reduces Hospitalization: HOT helps manage respiratory conditions with ease, right from the comfort of your home, thus reducing the need for frequent hospitalization.
Improves Survival: In some cases, HOT has been shown to improve long-term survival rates for patients with severe respiratory conditions.
What Are Some Safety Considerations Of Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT)?
Fire Hazard: Oxygen is highly combustible hence must be used carefully. Smoking around oxygen tanks can be extremely dangerous, and they should be kept as far away from the kitchen as possible.
Oxygen Toxicity: Prolonged exposure to oxygen can eventually damage the lungs. It is important to speak to your doctor regarding the right dosage for the same. Or you could reach out to us for more information: +91 8100 334353 (Available on WhatsApp).
Equipment Malfunction: At times, there might be malfunctions related to the oxygen concentrator (which can lead to reduced oxygen input, overheating, or excessive noise), or you might encounter oxygen cylinder leaks. It is important to stay alert at all times to avoid disasters. Avoid touching the equipment with oily hands or using oily substances near an Oxygen Cylinder. Oil can weaken the valves, leading to leaks and potentially causing the cylinder to burst.
You must be aware at all times and have a backup plan in case of power outages, equipment malfunctions, and medical emergencies.
Which Celebrities Use Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT)?
Steven Tyler
He is the lead singer of the Aerosmith band, and has been very open regarding his struggles with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and how he relies on Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT). He has consistently preached about the importance of lung health and how early diagnosis and treatment can increase life expectancy for those suffering from respiratory ailments.
Eric Clapton
He is a guitarist who has publicly acknowledged his struggles with peripheral neuropathy, a nerve disorder that can cause numbness, tingling, and weakness in the extremities. It has been reported that he utilizes oxygen therapy as part of his overall healthcare regimen.
He is an Indian actor who used Home Oxygen Therapy back in 2011 when he was recovering from a serious illness related to his respiratory system. He had even been admitted to a hospital for treatment of the same, after which he used oxygen therapy at home during recovery.
Sanjay Dutt
This Indian actor underwent Home O2 Therapy after being diagnosed with lung cancer in 2020.
Rishi Kapoor
This late Indian actor used Home Oxygen Therapy while fighting his battle with leukemia. It was a part of his broader treatment plan.
How To Travel With Oxygen Equipment?
Proper arrangements need to be made with the airlines or the transportation providers.
Always inform the airline or transportation provider about your need for Oxygen Therapy well in advance of your travel date (ideally at least 48 hours).
Specify the type of oxygen equipment you use (e.g., Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC), liquid oxygen, cylinders). Indicate the amount of oxygen required for the duration of the journey. Always Inquire about any specific airline policies or restrictions regarding medical equipment.
Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs) are generally allowed. You may need to provide documentation from your doctor or a respiratory therapist certifying the medical necessity of the POC. Check with the airline for specific requirements regarding battery life, power sources, and any necessary approvals.
Other equipment:
Cylinders: May have limitations due to size and safety regulations.
Liquid Oxygen: Generally not permitted on airplanes due to safety concerns.
Other modes of travel:
Train: Most train companies allow the use of POCs and may have specific guidelines for other oxygen equipment.
Bus: Policies vary by bus company. Contact them directly to inquire about their policies for transporting oxygen equipment.
Car: Ensure you have adequate oxygen supply for the duration of your trip. Bring along extra batteries or power sources for your POC.
Always ensure that your oxygen equipment is in good working order and properly maintained before your trip. Pack extra batteries, power cords, and any other necessary supplies for your oxygen equipment. You may also consider purchasing travel insurance that covers the cost of any unexpected medical expenses or equipment replacement.
What Are Some Frequently Asked Questions About Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT)?
- Can I continue smoking while on HOT?
Absolutely not. Smoking is strictly prohibited for those suffering from respiratory ailments and you must avoid it at all costs. Also, smoking near an oxygen cylinder is extremely hazardous as it can lead to serious fire complications.
- Can I use my oxygen equipment outdoors?
You may, however, outdoor HOT might require additional precautions, so you should consult your doctor first. Or you could reach out to us: +91 8100 334353 (Available on WhatsApp).
- What should I do if I suspect an oxygen leak?
Open the doors and windows immediately. Do not smoke or light a match or gas stove anywhere near. Move away from the leak source and contact your healthcare provider.
- How often should I have my oxygen equipment serviced?
It is best to do personal checks once a week or once every two weeks. Getting the equipment checked once every month by a professional is ideal. However, you can follow the servicing guideline given by your healthcare provider.
Home Oxygen Therapy is extremely beneficial for respiratory patients, as it can provide immediate relief during emergencies and help them lead a better life. However, you must always consult a healthcare professional before you get started with HOT.
You could reach out to us for more information: +91 8100 334353 (Available on WhatsApp).
Take care and breathe well!