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How Does Air Pollution Impact Respiratory Health?

How Does Air Pollution Impact Respiratory Health?

“We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein.

Every breath that we take these days is filled with pollutants. We look at Delhi in India, during peak winters and all we do is shake our heads with remorse. However, the reality is that every Indian state and even other parts of the globe have a deteriorating Air Quality Index (AQI), and we humans are to blame for that.

Every upper middle class household these days proudly hosts more than two vehicles per family, further contributing to the mess. Alongside that, we have air conditioners, industrial activities, etc, that further worsen the situation.

This can be a nightmarish situation for especially those who already suffer from chronic respiratory ailments.

Keep reading to learn how every breath of yours is damaging your lungs and how you can manage the situation in a better way.

What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is a complex mixture of gases and particles suspended in the air. These can include harmful gases such as Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Sulphur dioxide (SO2), to microscopic particles such as Particulate Matter (PM), including PM2.5, which are particles with less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (easily penetrable through our nose and mouth).

As per the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is estimated to cause 7 million premature deaths globally per year.

What Causes Air Pollution?

Transportation: Emissions from cars, trucks, buses, etc, which release nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter.

Industrial Activities: Factories, coal-fired power plants, etc, release a wide range of pollutants. Lack of stringent regulations regarding treatment of air before release worsens the situation.

Residential Sources: Burning of fossil fuels, and use of other homemade products, especially aerosols.

Construction and Demolition: Dust and debris often contribute to the pollutants in the air.

Agriculture: Burning of crop residue and excessive use of fertilizer sprays.

Forest Fires and Volcanic Eruptions: These contain natural sources of air pollution- ash, gases, etc.

How Does Air Pollution Impact Respiratory Health?

Airway Irritation: Pollutants present in the air irritate the mucous membranes lining the airways. This can cause inflammation and increased mucus production, causing cough, wheezing, and throat irritation.

Worsens Asthma: PM2.5 can trigger asthma attacks in those who already suffer from the same. It can lead to bronchoconstriction, or the narrowing of the airways, and increase airway hyperresponsiveness.

Reduces Lung Function: Air pollution often causes a decline in pulmonary function, such as decrease in Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1) which is a measure of lung capacity.

Lung Cancer: Increased and prolonged exposure to harmful pollutants can potentially cause lung cancer.

Lung Impairment in Children: Exposure to pollutants during pregnancy or early childhood can impair the development of healthy lungs in children.

Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: One of the leading causes of heart attacks and strokes is air pollution.

Systemic Inflammation: Air pollution is known to trigger systemic inflammation in the body, which can further lead to other complications.

How To Manage Respiratory Health Amidst Air Pollution?

Minimize exposure: Limit outdoor activities especially very early in the morning, or during the peak traffic hours. Choose less polluted areas such as green parks, or indoor exercise areas to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Wear a Mask: An N95 or K95 mask can help limit the inhalation of pollutants.

Improve Indoor Air Quality: Use air purifiers with HEPA filters or keep air purifying plants such as snake plants or basil indoors. Avoid smoking inside. Ventilate your house by opening your windows and doors during the times when the Air Quality Index (AQI) is good (you can always check online).

Hydration: Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and keep your airways moist.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eat healthy and exercise regularly to boost your immunity. However, always choose less polluted areas for exercising.

Regular Checkups: Consult a doctor frequently in order to keep your health in check, especially if you’re a respiratory patient. Make sure there are home arrangements available in case of emergencies. (Like an Oxygen Cylinder for Backup, Pulse Oximeter to monitor Oxygen levels, etc)

Be An Alert Citizen: Make sure you take the step towards a green revolution. Plant trees, carpool to work, reduce aerosol usage, and switch to environment friendly alternatives to make this planet a better place to live in.

What Are Some Frequently Asked Questions About Air Pollution And Respiratory Health?

  1. What are the main sources of air pollution?

Transportation, industrial activities, residential sources, construction, agriculture, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions.

  1. How does air pollution impact my respiratory health?

Irritation of airways, exacerbation of asthma, increased risk of infections, COPD, reduced lung function, lung cancer, RSV infections, developmental lung impairment in children, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and systemic inflammation.

  1. Are children more susceptible to air pollution?

Yes, due to developing lungs, higher breathing rates, and increased time spent outdoors.

  1. Can I protect myself from air pollution?

Check air quality reports, limit outdoor activities, wear a mask (N95 or KN95), and improve indoor air quality (use air purifiers, ensure proper ventilation, etc).

  1. What are the long-term health effects of air pollution?

Increased risk of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, chronic respiratory problems, and developmental lung impairment in children.

  1. Can indoor air be as polluted as outdoor air?

Yes, due to smoking, cooking fumes, cleaning products, mold, and building materials.

  1. What role do trees and green spaces play in combating air pollution?

They absorb pollutants, filter air, and cool the environment.

  1. What can I do to reduce my contribution to air pollution?

Reduce vehicle use, conserve energy, support renewable energy, reduce, reuse, and recycle, support policies that promote clean air.

  1. How does climate change impact air pollution?

Increased wildfires and changes in weather patterns can increase air pollution.

  1. What are some signs and symptoms of respiratory problems caused by air pollution?

Cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, chest pain, frequent respiratory infections, fatigue.


Even though it is nearly impossible to completely avoid inhalation of pollutants, the above mentioned measures can help you manage the same. You can monitor your oxygen levels using an oximeter, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and overall be a better citizen by staying alert. Try to contribute in every little way possible while taking proper precautionary measures.

You could reach out to us for more information and help: +91 8100 334353 (Available on WhatsApp).

Stay well, and breathe well!

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